Location: Arkansas, United States
I'm just your average, everyday, married, thirty-something, right wing, computer programming, 2 dog-having, righteous dude in the Southlands. I love to spend time with my wife and dogs, love electrinic gizmos, watch old school sci-fi & still manage to play some soccer on the weekends. I'm a progressive geek, if you would.
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23 February 2006

our first baby shower!

Wow. Talk about a surreal thing. We had our first baby shower yesterday. My good friends at work threw it for us, and it was a great time. I guess the thing that was weird about it is that it finally hit me that we're so close to "Tripp" being here. Just kinda crazy. Here's some pix to commemorate, and I 'm sorry if I made zero sense with my grammar above, coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

A special thanks to Audra and Alex for the Boudreaux's Butt Paste!

22 February 2006

Calgon, take me away!

Busy as Hades on my end lately, really have alot on our collective plate right now. So there may not be a post for awhile. We have birthing class this evening, a baby shower this afternoon, have to start on the nursery this week and 3 major projects spinning right now at work, with 14 more in the pipeline.

BTW - Go Barcelona! Today is the Chelsea vs. Barcelona UEFA game. This may be the best game we see all year....


19 February 2006

ice, ice baby...

We're getting pretty stir crazy over here, been iced-in since friday evening and Melissa is about to kill. I'd try and get her out and go do something, but our street looks like the luge track. It's just a huge downhill sheet of ice. Pray for me. Red rum! Red rum!!!

So i'm up for a bit of a change to the old Prime Mover design, I think that the "fish" is a great look, but it's just not as practical as it should be. I'd like to add a few features that aren't a "disembodied" xbox live tracker that I will never use. Especially since my wife has all but forbidden me to get a next-gen gaming system until the baby turns 16 - sucks to grow up, no?

I'd like to know your thoughts on a redesign though. I'd really like to get my readership up and am thinking about some cool, non LRB.com, features. Sorry, LT, no "hot-computer chicks" drinking in the snow. Hmmm, maybe that's not so bad an idea after all - I'll take over the social blog scene in Little Rock...with complete sentences. MWAAAA-HA-HA-HA!

Speaking of babes, we've decided to go with a jungle theme for "Mikey the Third" and are starting the nursery as soon as the ice storm melts off. Found some cool stuff online, should be uber sweet when we're done too. We have our first baby shower this week and will finally have some stuff to start moving in.

Maybe more later today...off to watch curling (I was serious - I love it!).

17 February 2006

I'd still hunt with him...

13 February 2006

Who else is excited....?

I think a picture is worth a thousand words in this case...

Google = EVIL

Google is really kinda scaring me these days with the Orwellian vibes. Check out the latest on Google Desktop from WIRED...

"According to a statement issued yesterday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Google Desktop ain't what it seems. A new feature of the application now records the contents of your hard drive, storing actual copies of your files -- including Word documents, PDFs, and spreadsheets. Concern about the new "Search Across Computers" feature arises out of the possibility that making such files available to Google opens users up to severe invasion of privacy, not only from hackers, but from government surveillance as well."

10 February 2006

What Geeks do with an empty Whisky bottle

This is great...it's a computer...whooda thought? You want your own booze buddy you say? Well you are in luck, as you can get the instructions here.

05 February 2006

Been awhile since a New Orleans post...

My Mom and Dad sent me this great site. You really will not know what's up with it unless you are familliar with New Orleans, but if you are - it's frickin' hysterical.

Check out the Creole Tomato here.

I also ran across the Jedi Order Scooter Club of New Orleans' website. Who Knew I would get to post about my 2 favorite things in one blog? What a great world!

02 February 2006

Living without a hernia...

I decided to leave the bandage on for 1 more day, so unfortunately no pic today. If you are curious as to what it looks like, just scroll down - not much has changed.

I cannot imagine anyone wanting to voluntarily have lipo or any type of cosmetic surgery. IT FRICKIN HURTS just to have a 1/4" hole fixed! I am moving around pretty good, in spite of it all, and even worked in a shower today. The weather is all rainy and shitty, so it makes it that much easier to stay home and indoors. Gotta love that.

I'm working on a wicked-nasty design for a law firm here in Little Rock today, not much content, but it's some uber cool design. Other than that, I think that I can get some reading done this afternoon and finally make some headway in the Goblet of Fire.

I promise a pictute of my "crusted up" belly tomorrow...

01 February 2006

don't look at me...



Recovering from my hernia operation yeaterday. My abs feel like they're falling off my body. good thing I have some work to take my mind off of of it...(and AIRPLANE!) I'll have a better pic tomorrow when I can take off the bandadges...MWAAA-HA-HA-HA!! ;)

<-- UPDATE -->
'Aight yo. Let's get the fat jokes out of the way, they had to blow me up with Nitrogen, so yes I am a bit bloated... bastards.
<-- END UPDATE -->

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