Location: Arkansas, United States
I'm just your average, everyday, married, thirty-something, right wing, computer programming, 2 dog-having, righteous dude in the Southlands. I love to spend time with my wife and dogs, love electrinic gizmos, watch old school sci-fi & still manage to play some soccer on the weekends. I'm a progressive geek, if you would.
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  Help the Hurricane Survivors!

22 February 2006

Calgon, take me away!

Busy as Hades on my end lately, really have alot on our collective plate right now. So there may not be a post for awhile. We have birthing class this evening, a baby shower this afternoon, have to start on the nursery this week and 3 major projects spinning right now at work, with 14 more in the pipeline.

BTW - Go Barcelona! Today is the Chelsea vs. Barcelona UEFA game. This may be the best game we see all year....