Location: Arkansas, United States
I'm just your average, everyday, married, thirty-something, right wing, computer programming, 2 dog-having, righteous dude in the Southlands. I love to spend time with my wife and dogs, love electrinic gizmos, watch old school sci-fi & still manage to play some soccer on the weekends. I'm a progressive geek, if you would.
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20 March 2006

PrimeMover is officailly on hiatus. Simply due to the fact that I am so f'ing busy and have no time to make any decent postings.

I will be making the occasional post if something important happens (like the birth of our son) so keep checking back.

Love ya'll and I really do miss doing this thing, just no time.

Peace, love and tacos,

01 March 2006

An annoyingly fun game

Check out this game that I stumbled upon today at lunch...the point is to knock over all the dominos and smash the tomato. Simple, yet infuriating.

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