Location: Arkansas, United States
I'm just your average, everyday, married, thirty-something, right wing, computer programming, 2 dog-having, righteous dude in the Southlands. I love to spend time with my wife and dogs, love electrinic gizmos, watch old school sci-fi & still manage to play some soccer on the weekends. I'm a progressive geek, if you would.
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  Help the Hurricane Survivors!

10 December 2004

Caution - K.E.B. on Board!

I'm going to be very unpolitically correct here - so if it offends you, tough. Move to France.

Is it just me or do these people who still have their Kerry-Edwards Bumper stickers still on their cars (BTW, guys, it's over - you lost.) drive like embiciles?

I'm trying to be respectful to my elders here, but I used to think that the single worst demographic of crappy drivers was the over 70 crowd. It seems that I was sorely mistaken. Over the last several months it seems like every time that I get out driving somewhere, I get stuck behind a KEB - their age doesn't matter - 16, 57, 34, 23 - it doesn't matter! THEY ALL DRIVE LIKE CRAP! I get stuck behind these guys and I seem to go nowhere - 15mph in a 30, 40mph in a 55. It's so damn frustrating. And if I honk, i'm the bad guy...

Now, I'm all about taking your time and driving safe, which is a far cry from my teenage years :) but today I was stuck on a road with 2 oncoming lanes and 2 outgoing lanes. I was stuck in a heard of 12-14 cars going at least 15 miles below the speed limit. Once it broke up a little and I was able to make my way through to the front I noticed that the 2 cars that were holding everyone up both were KEBs. And the best part is that this isn't an isolated incident! Somebody please help these poor poeple as I cannot!


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