Tripp on FLICKR
I just wanted to let everyone know, there are too many pics to post up on the blog, so I have created a flickr account for Tripp and other stuff. Seeya!
I just wanted to let everyone know, there are too many pics to post up on the blog, so I have created a flickr account for Tripp and other stuff. Seeya!
I think that Melissa and I have slept a grand total of 12 hours since last Tuesday when we went to the hospital. Everyone is doing great, and Tripp is adjusting to life at ye' olde homestead.
Just home for a few minutes, but I wanted to get this up to share with everybody! Our son Michael Allen III (A.K.A. "Tripp") got here last night. We went into labour Tuesday night around 8ish, he at least waited until American Idol was over with :) Mel was in labour for almost 24 hours and ended up having a c-section after pushing for 30 minutes with no progress. But he arrived at 6:39PM CST and is just beautiful.
PrimeMover is officailly on hiatus. Simply due to the fact that I am so f'ing busy and have no time to make any decent postings.
Wow. Talk about a surreal thing. We had our first baby shower yesterday. My good friends at work threw it for us, and it was a great time. I guess the thing that was weird about it is that it finally hit me that we're so close to "Tripp" being here. Just kinda crazy. Here's some pix to commemorate, and I 'm sorry if I made zero sense with my grammar above, coffee hasn't kicked in yet.