Yoda, you seek Yoda!
From my Mom's cousin's blog....
Politickal: "Whining About Star Wars
Just as a change of pace, I found on Drudge a link to a BBC news site that whines, New Star Wars movie 'a bloodbath'. Rated PG-13, and earns ever minute of the rating. Sounds like a great story to me. But the guardians of our sensibilities seem unable to allow the tender among us to view life, even movie life, in really human terms.

Friends, this may come as a shock, but there really is something called 'evil' in the world, even as there is also something called 'good'. No matter how much the bleeding hearts try to pretend otherwise, both good and evil exist and have their influence felt in our lives and around the world.
So I applaud what George Lucas said here...
Lucas said he was getting 'a lot of flak' from parents concerned about the film's US rating. 'A lot of people saying how can you do this? My children love these movies. Why can you not let them go see it?' he said. 'But I have to tell a story. I'm not making these, oddly enough, to be giant, successful blockbusters. I'm making them because I'm telling a story, and I have to tell the story I intended.'
Real life is not always a pretty Disney-inspired theme park. Life can be wonderful, and it can be cruel. Star Wars is not about Barney, Sesame Street, or Sponge Bob. Lucas is a master story-teller, and as we all know it's the good ones (whose stories are most like real life) that we most want to hear.
posted by Politickal Animal at 8:40 AM 0 comments "
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