Location: Arkansas, United States
I'm just your average, everyday, married, thirty-something, right wing, computer programming, 2 dog-having, righteous dude in the Southlands. I love to spend time with my wife and dogs, love electrinic gizmos, watch old school sci-fi & still manage to play some soccer on the weekends. I'm a progressive geek, if you would.
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26 November 2004

The Smell of Coffee

Isn't it funny how things come rushing back to you in an instant? I was sitting in bed this morning trying to wake up. The sun was coming in the blinds to my back and I had a flashback to when I was a kid.

I would stay at my grandparents house and when I would wake up, the smell of coffee would be circulating the house. I would go into the living room and look into the kitchen and the sun would be coming in like it was this morning thru the kitchen window. My Grandma would be sitting at their bar reading the Times-Picayune and would always look up and smile at me and make me Eggo waffles.

Needless to say, I awoke with a big smile today.