Location: Arkansas, United States
I'm just your average, everyday, married, thirty-something, right wing, computer programming, 2 dog-having, righteous dude in the Southlands. I love to spend time with my wife and dogs, love electrinic gizmos, watch old school sci-fi & still manage to play some soccer on the weekends. I'm a progressive geek, if you would.
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29 September 2005

"baaaaaby rrruuuuf"

This is the stupidist thing that I have ever blogged about. No really, BY FAR! I don't even know how it was broached, but my work "cell mates" and I were cutting up a bit earlier, and I happend to have an unopened Snickers bar on my desk. Anthony, picked it up and said, "230 calories in that thing, wow."

It is at this point that I spouted out, "230 calories in that turd?" Which leads to "I wonder how many calories are in a real turd" and our old friend google.com.

You would not believe the funny stuff that comes up when you search for 'how many calories in a turd'. No really try it, it's fun.

For all those wondering...

"it is likely about 6 calories per gram but it is going to vary depending upon diet. if you eat a lot of fat it will be higher, poop is nothing more than the food you body does not need except in a gross form. So a turd the size of a typical Baby Ruth candy bar (see caddy shack movie) is about 250 calories ."

Well, we found our answer AND as an added bonus we found a great web site. The ever maligned Poop Report.

After just a quick tour, I knew that I had to share this with all that I know and love. With sections as classy as: Intellectual Crap, Fun with Feces & Travel Logs. One cannot go wrong.

Now, go on out and share!